Per opportuna conoscenza si ricorda che l’Italia è nei paesi SEEOC.


Simonetta Malossini

Segreteria Generale

Federazione Italiana Sport Orientamento

Piazza Silvio Pellico,5 - 38122 Trento

  2. +39 0461-231380

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 Da: Tatiana Kalenderoğlu [mailto:Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.

Inviato: martedì 5 maggio 2015 17:38

Oggetto: İstanbul 5 days for the12th time

 Dear Orienteering friends,

We are glad to announce that the entries and bulletens for the 12th Istanbul 5 days competitions are waiting for your attention at our
It  was Balkan countries who gave us support at our early stages and we are looking forward to meet with our friends again.
Now we are making special 40% discount for SEEOC countries.
This year we are waiting for you in Istanbul again and you can be sure that there is always something going on in Istanbul, you never be bored here.
Unique chanse to enjoy encredible city and challenging terrains.
You are welcome to contact me for the further questions.

 Welcome to Istanbul!

Organising Team
Tatiana Kalenderoğlu
İOG and Macera Akademsi

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